NOVEC warns ‘winter is coming’

October 02, 2015

Contact: NOVEC Public Relations, 1-888-335-0500, [email protected]

MANASSAS, Va. – Many weather forecasters are predicting a snowy winter again this year. Therefore, Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative is encouraging homeowners to prepare their homes for cold weather now before winter truly arrives.


“The average temperature at Dulles Airport in February of 2015 was 25 degrees,” said Mike Curtis, NOVEC vice president, public relations.  “It was one of the coldest months Northern Virginia has seen in decades. It is important to prepare for this type of extreme weather now before winter’s cold, snow and ice are upon us.”


Curtis notes October, which is National Energy Awareness Month, is the perfect time for consumers to ensure their homes are prepared for winter.


‘Stock up on sweaters, long johns, and firewood’


Meteorologists differ slightly on their long-range forecasts, but many experts predict both temperate and cold temperatures, as well as more snow for the Mid-Atlantic region.


The Farmers’ Almanac, which has been incredibly accurate in recent years, predicts this winter will be very similar to last winter.

“It’s like Winter Déjà vu,” said Peter Geiger, Philom., editor. “Last year our bitterly cold, shivery forecasts came true in many states including the 23 eastern states that experienced one of their top-ten coldest Februarys on record. This year many of these same states may want to get a jump start now and stock up on lots of winter survival gear: sweaters, long johns, and plenty of firewood.”


Additionally, the almanac states, “The coldest period will be in mid-January, with cold weather also occurring in late December, most of January, mid-February, and early March. Precipitation will be slightly above normal, with the snowiest periods in mid- and late December, early to mid-January, and late March.”


The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center predicts this winter will be at or slightly above normal temperatures and precipitation levels for the Mid-Atlantic region.

NOVEC’s winter-preparation check list:

• Close storm windows.

• Since glass is the coldest interior surface in winter, insulate windows with treatments and close them at night. As an extra wind barrier, cover windows with plastic available in kits at hardware and home stores.

• Apply weather-stripping around drafty windows and exterior doors.

• Attach insulating door sweeps to block cold air from seeping under door thresholds.

• Install an attic-entrance insulating cover.

• Insert foam-rubber pads under wall outlet and switch covers. Push child-protection inserts into outlets to stop drafts.

• Replace air-system filter now and monthly. A dirty filter restricts air flow and makes the system work harder.

• Have a heating and cooling professional inspect the heating system.

• Remove old, cracked caulk and apply new silicone or latex caulk with a caulking gun around windows, doors, and fireplace hearths. Spray expandable foam around pipes, wires, and vents that go outside.

• Purchase glass doors for an open fireplace. Close the damper and glass doors when the fireplace is not in use to prevent as much as 14 percent of heated air from going up the chimney flue.

• Have between R38 and R60 insulation — either in rolls or loose — between attic joists. Professionals can insulate existing walls and crawl spaces.

For more information on home-energy savings and tips, visit: or

NOVEC is a not-for-profit electric utility corporation that supplies and distributes electricity and energy-related services to more than 180,000 metered customers in Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun, Prince William, Stafford, and Clarke counties, the Town of Clifton, and the City of Manassas Park. It is Virginia’s largest electric cooperative and one of the largest electric companies of its kind in the nation. Learn more at, or call 703-335-0500. NOVEC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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